Together with the Decathlon headquarter in Lille, France, and the photographer Matjaž Tančič we developped over the last couple of months the Rural Changemaker’s Skateboarding Decks. We are very, very, very proud and happy!!! A skateboarder would probably say “I am stoked!” 🙂 Thank you Jean-Philippe and your entire team – the boards rock and the kids are so so happy to have them!
You can ORDER now! The decks are 40 Euro plus shipping! In Germany for some reason they cost 45 (we don’t know why …. )
Simply go to your LOCAL Decathlon online store and you will find the TRC_Decks in he category SKATEBOARDING >>> DECKS
So in India you go to Decathlon Skateboarding India. In Germany go here.
In case the boards are sold out or for some reason NOT AVAILBALE then please drop us a line at
And the best NEWS is:
If you buy a board, you will support us. We’ll receive 5 EUROs from each board sold!
These boards look awesome 🙂 Click on one photo and you will see it full size!