As part of our Open School Project we’ve added various online sessions for the next generation of kids to our schedule. Since schools are still not open in Janwaar, the kids appreciate their online sessions. Together with freelance teachers and Passionguru we’ve set up a schedule which provides a learning experience which is closely related to the kids environment. For example they learn math by skaetboarding examples or mapping their own village.

One of our older Open Schooler, Anil, is keeping track with the mentors, is getting the computers ready and is supervising the kids. Once a week he is writing a little report (if you follow the link, you will find all the reports), one of them I’ll share below.
Second Week of August
In English sessions Sumit, Panchbati and Sachin are the ones who remember things that they learn. They are good at it and they have also started practicing together. They make two to three groups and they ask things to watch others. They revise what they learnt in the last session and everyone get a chance to revise one thing such as animal names, vegetables name, shapes name etc. Their teacher adds a memorial game in which the kids have the memories of the words that each of them told about a category.
In the Hindi session they all are good. Brajesh, Dilasha, Priyanka and Sumit are the ones who are improving their Hindi reading and they have also started helping others in improving their Hindi reading and writing. After completing grammar they learned to create words. They have started writing sentences and Didi taught them with their introduction.
The kids enjoy the painting session and most of the girls. They learn to draw a new animal in every session. Now their teacher said that she will change it and they will learn something new. The girls have kept their drawings safely. They even practice in their free time.
In math sessions they learnt about shapes and they did an experiment to check which shape is good. After finding the strongest shapes they made a base of a building and tested it without the strongest shape that is triangle. The building fell down when they put two notebooks but when they tried it with the triangle in the building it was able to carry 20 notebooks on it. All the kids are good at this subject and they try to help each other to understand better.
In Karate Panchbati, Priyanka and Brajesh are the ones who are learning it well. They remember what they learnt in the last class and complete the punches that their teacher asks them to perform. They have also started helping each other and learning together. Some of them forgot their punches then their teacher showed them again and the others who knew helped them to perform right.