Jalsai Bai (Anil’s and Arun’s mother), Siya Bai (Ramkesh’s and Durgha’s mother) and Kamla Gond (Asha’s mother) have applied for their passports! It took almost two years to get the papers ready, everytime we thought we had made it something new popped up. It’s quite a process to get a birth certficate, to have your name spelled in the same way on all documents and and and ….. and then of course those “officilas” who want to benefit from it!
But that’s all history and within the next four weeks the ladies will have their passports.
A few days ago I had a SKYPEcall with them and they opted to come in winter to my hometown. They wanna see snow 🙂
Luckily all three of them have got there vaccine – a major pre-condition for travels – we are just managing to download their vaccine certificates and then link the certificate with their new passports. COVID I guess will be our biggest hurdle for the travels.
The ladies are pretty excited and they can’t wait to sit in an airplane and experience “to fly”. For sure they are ready to go!°°
The plan is that they – besides leisure – explore our local handicraft, visit organic farms, do a cooking workshop and meet some Indian people in Heidelberg. A cultural exchange program!
I am sure it will be a blast for all of us!
Let’s see how things will move forward – we are optimistic!