We’ve wirtten before that we have now a math teacher (online sessions), Saurabh Suri, who really understands how to get the kids’ attention in math.
Now we are building on this in a series of math experiments. He is the first one Anil and Asha did with the kids. It was about the AVERAGE.
Anil has written the following:
“We did a math experiment with the kids and our skateboards. It was fun and a different way of learning. The math concept was about the AVERAGE and how a few of our skateboarders can guess how far a skateboard would really run (=TRUE DISTANCE). Here is what we did: We let the skateboard roll with no kid on it and marked the starting and ending points. Before we started we asked the kids to guess how far the skateboard would roll. We wrote everything down. We made the sum of all the guesses of the kids and divided it by the number of kids. So we had the AVERAGE of all the guesses.Then we measured the TRUE DISTANCE (starting / ending point). We compared the average guess and the true difference. We could then see which kid did the best guess. The kids enjoyed doing it and we will do it again next week.”